Thank you for your interest in Healthy Sexuality for Youth in Foster Care: An Online Training for Parents and Caregivers of Youth in Foster Care!
The purpose of the course is to help parents and caregivers of youth ages 10 and older feel more comfortable talking with youth about healthy relationships and sexuality.
Before you get started, take a look at the list of tips for navigating the course (below). When you’re ready to start, select the button to the right to create an account or log back into the course.
Below you will also find a short list of additional resources, including tip sheets on key topics covered in the course and a report describing how we adapted the curriculum into an online course.
We hope you enjoy learning with us!

Finishing this course might count towards your foster parent licensing requirements. Ask your caseworker for more information!
Tips for Navigating the Course
- The entire course is about three hours long, but you do not have to take the whole course at the same time. You can complete it at your own pace when you have time. You can pause and return to your place in the module if you need to step away for a few minutes. If you exit the module, or if it times out, when you are in the middle of a module, you will have to restart the module from the beginning when you log back in.
- The course should work on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari browsers, but it may work best in Chrome. You may need to disable pop-up blockers in Safari to access the lists of resources.
- Once you complete a module, click on the green Finish button in the bottom corner of the screen to exit the module and receive credit for completing it. If you click on the green Finish button before completing the module, the module will close and you will not receive credit for completing it.
- To successfully complete the course and receive your certificate of completion, you will need to complete all 10 modules and get 8 out of 10 answers correctly on the knowledge check in module 10.
- You can return to an individual module (lesson) or view the entire course again from the beginning at any time.
Additional Resources
Four tip sheets on key topics covered in the course are linked below. Each tip sheet summarizes the course information on that topic and shares practical guidance you can refer to when you talk with a young person about relationships and sex.
To learn more about how we adapted the curriculum into an online course and results from a small-scale pilot, click on this link:
[Link coming soon]